Historic Preservation
Old ideas can sometimes use new buildings. New ideas must use old buildings. - Jane Jacobs
A passionate urban activist of the 20th century, Jane Jacobs ardently advocated for vibrant, messy, and lively cities and towns. And, one essential ingredient of such vibrancy in her opinion were “old buildings”. Edifices with well-worn and beautifully-patinaed materials, richly detailed with well-designed embellishments, and certainly with lots of intriguing stories to tell.
Our Experience
The architects and historic preservation specialists at Farnsworth Group are equally enthused about such old buildings. Some of our projects require incredible attention to historic details so that a structure can be restored precisely to its original splendor. Others look to find new and totally different uses for abandoned jewels that still have terrific bones. And still other projects challenge us to do a little bit of both, so that the beauty and function of a bygone era can be richly experienced by the next generation.
Our Projects
Farnsworth Group has been privileged to complete numerous historic preservation projects for both National Register of Historic Places individual properties and National Register districts. We have also assisted with a wide variety of enhancements to properties and districts landmarked by municipal ordinance. Project accolades that we have received include (1) a Landmarks Illinois award for our Cooperage 214 adaptive re-use of a historic warehouse (in a National Register District); (2) a Missouri Preservation award for our Thunderbird Lodge historic rehabilitation (in a National Register District); and (3) a Peoria Historical Society award for our decorative re-lighting of the historic Murray Baker Bridge.
/ For more information regarding Historical Preservation, contact aturner [at] f-w.com (Alicia Turner.)
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