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Farnsworth Group's team of experienced licensed professional land surveyors along with 23 survey crews using GPS and/or robotic total station equipment can move your project from start to completion in a time frame commensurate with your project schedule.

Our survey managers pride themselves on delivering high quality surveys on time and on budget. We have the ability and experience to handle any size project and have done so for more than 100 years.

Colorado Survey

Areas of Expertise

  • Boundary / right-of-way surveys

  • American Land Title Association (ALTA) land title surveys

  • Topographic design surveys

  • Subdivision plats

  • Construction staking or layout

  • Route alignment and right-of-way surveys for roads, highways, railroads, and utilities

  • Data acquisition for geographic information systems (GIS)

  • Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) Investigations

  • Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Systems (UAVs)

  • Tax increment financing (TIF) district, zoning, annexation and corporate limit maps and descriptions


/ For more information regarding surveying, contact Rob McIntosh, PLS.