Improvement Study Gives Vision to Downtown Paxton
The crown jewel of the City of Paxton is the Downtown area. It embodies the fabric that is woven into everyday life in the community. Farnsworth Group was retained by the City of Paxton to develop a unified vision for future building and streetscape improvements.
The project involved stakeholder input from community leaders, City Council, business owners, and citizens to determine the vision going forward. In conjunction with stakeholder involvement, historical data was researched and documented. The project team utilized this information to inform designs for gateway monumentation, façade renovations, streetscape improvements, gathering space design, signage and wayfinding, historic preservation, pedestrian and vehicular traffic control, lighting, seating, and other downtown amenities. All of this information was compiled into a graphic booklet that can be utilized as a roadmap.
The project team utilized this information to inform designs for gateway monumentation, façade renovations, streetscape improvements, gathering space design, signage and wayfinding, historic preservation, pedestrian and vehicular traffic control, lighting, seating, and other downtown amenities.
The vision prepared by Farnsworth Group was the driving force behind a $1M streetscape upgrade to the 100 North block of Market Street. In addition, the vision has also been the catalyst in numerous facade updates along Market Street.