Roadway Improvements Enhance Housing Complex
Orchard Downs Pavement Rehabilitation Feasibility Study
Farnsworth Group provided a feasibility study for the rehabilitation of pavement and roadways throughout the Orchard Downs Housing complex. As part of the study, existing pavement conditions for Orchard Street, George Huff Drive, George Huff Court, and Hazelwood Drive were reviewed and geotechnical borings were taken throughout the area. The final report identified needed base repairs, retrofit street repair options, and reconstruction improvements to both street and drainage systems throughout the complex. Bus routes and frequencies, as well as pedestrian traffic, were also considered and thoroughly discussed between representatives of the Housing Department and Farnsworth Team. The final report addressed approximate pavement design life and multiple construction alternates were identified.
Orchard Downs Roadway Improvements: George Huff Drive and Hazelwood Drive
This project included the design and construction of the first of two phases of improvement concepts addressed in the Orchard Downs Pavement Rehabilitation Feasibility Study. Farnsworth provided schematic through final design, bid documents, bidding services, construction observations and administration, and project closeout services for roadway improvements to George Huff Drive, George Huff Court, and the northern section of Hazelwood Drive. The Farnsworth Team worked closely with representatives of the Housing Department to coordinate all construction activities and road closures to limit the impact on local residents and the adjacent day care.
Orchard Downs, Orchard Street Roadway Improvements
The second, and final, phase of planned roadway improvements throughout Orchard Downs was recently completed. This project included total reconstruction of Orchard Street with additional street and parking lot asphalt overlays throughout the complex. Farnsworth Group has provided schematic through final design, bid documents, and bidding services, and construction observation and administration.