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Dallas County Law Center Dusk

Dallas County Law Enforcement Center

The Dallas County Law Enforcement Center is the result of a 4-year collaboration of the Dallas County Sheriff’s department, the Design Team, and the construction manager to deliver a highly energy efficient and advanced law enforcement facility which will serve the county for years to come.

The facility contains the full compliment of the Dallas County sheriff’s department which includes administration, jail support, and jail incarceration.

The design achieves the transition of public access for the administration duties to the high level of security for the arrestees. This is accomplished with a simple functional block transition from the public access to the security areas deeper in the building. The administration block is positioned along the front of the building parallel to the public right of way. Jail support is the next block positioned with major circulation for access by the department staff from either administration or jail cell block functions. And the final block is the high security jail cell pod.

The facility is designed with expansion in mind. Dallas County is acknowledged as one of the fastest growing counties in the nation.  Expansion is critical to the ability of the county to support the tremendous growth. The support functions of the facility have been designed to accommodate a total population of 520.The first cell pod will house 130 inmates with each additional pod housing the same number depending on housing type, i.e. dormitory or individual cells.