Complete Water
Protecting people and protecting water are the two guiding principles of Farnsworth Group's water resource engineers.
Stormwater Management
Farnsworth Group protects infrastructure from flooding and erosion by creating multi-functional designs that provide societal and ecological benefits. We are committed to the future of water resources through multi-faceted sustainable design, surface water analysis, along with traditional stormwater design.
- Sustainable and Ecological Design
- Stream Restoration
- Streambank Stabilization
- Green Infrastructure Design
- Stormwater Wetland Design - Stormwater Infrastructure Design
- Stormwater Management
- Flood Mitigation through Park Amenities and Naturalized Basins
- Storm Sewer Design - Surface Water Modeling and Mapping
- Hydrologic and Hydraulic Analysis
- FEMA Floodplain / Floodway Revisions
- Drainage Investigations and Master Planning
- Community Rating System (CRS)
/ For more information regarding stormwater management, contact ejenkins [at] F-W.com (Emily Jenkins.)
Wastewater collection and treatment is essential to protect the quality of lakes, streams, and aquifers. Public, industrial and agricultural treatment facilities must be designed and operated to satisfy environmental regulations. Our engineers incorporate the ideas and experience of your operators and maintenance staff to develop workable solutions. Once a facility is completed, our staff provides the necessary continuing operational support so that the facility continues to operate at an optimal level.
Public, industrial and agricultural treatment facilities must be designed and operated to satisfy environmental regulations. Our engineers incorporate the ideas and experience of your operators and maintenance staff to develop workable solutions.
Once a facility is completed, our staff provides the necessary continuing operational support so that the facility continues to operate at an optimal level.
Areas of Expertise
- Facilities planning
- Treatment plant improvements
- Industrial waste treatment/pretreatment
- Residuals management
- Operational assistance
- Computer control/SCADA systems
- Design-build services
- Pump stations
- Sewer system evaluations
- Combined sewer overflow control
- Permitting assistance
- Rate studies and financing assistance
/ For more information regarding wastewater engineering, contact zknight [at] F-W.com (Zach Knight.)
Drinking Water
At Farnsworth Group, we offer a full range of services to ensure a safe and reliable water supply for municipalities of all sizes, from a few hundred residents to tens of thousands. Our expertise spans the entire lifecycle of water systems, including planning, design, permitting, and construction.
We specialize in designing and constructing water treatment plants that purify water to meet stringent health standards. Our services also include the design and construction of water tanks, providing secure storage and distribution of clean water. We excel in both the rehabilitation of existing tanks and the construction of new ones, ensuring compliance with regulations and maintaining high standards of quality.
Our capabilities extend beyond water treatment and storage. We design and build wells, booster stations, and SCADA/Controls systems, ensuring that every component of your water system operates efficiently and effectively.
Whether constructing a new water processing facility or rehabilitating an old one, we prioritize our clients' needs to determine the most appropriate solutions. Our common-sense approach helps clients make informed decisions, ensuring maximum benefit for the cost incurred. A brief list of the project services may include the following:
Services Include
- Water treatment plants (lime softening, ion exchange, reverse osmosis, aeration/detention/filtration)
- Process piping hydraulics analysis
- Chemical feed and storage
- SCADA/Controls programming and support
- Disinfection byproducts and corrosion control strategies
- Booster pump station
- Water storage tanks (elevated and ground level)
- Water transmission and distribution system improvements
- Nitrification Action Plans
- Modeling for water distribution systems
- Condition assessments/audits
- Groundwater well supply
- Source Water Protection Plans
/ For more information regarding drinking water, contact khannel [at] F-W.com (Kevin Hannel.)
Featured Projects
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Creative Stormwater Project Provides Community Amenity
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Drinking Water for a Central Illinois Community
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Stormwater Project Transforms Downtown
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Bank Stabilization Protects Neighborhood
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WWTP Upgrades Ensure Community Health
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New Facilities Double District’s Capacity