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Bold Vision Enhances Downtown

Farnsworth Group is assisting the Village of Manhattan in the development of a comprehensive downtown redevelopment master plan that is intended to create a pedestrian friendly downtown that attracts new businesses and retains existing residents.

To ensure the plan aligns with the stakeholder aspirations, Farnsworth Group has conducted a multi-faceted input strategy that includes:

  • Business owner visioning sessions
  • Interviews with Village and public department heads
  • Interviews with Village trustees
  • An open house accessible to the public

To date, the focus of the plan will be the creation of a new village green located in the heart of downtown. The green will be anchored by a new village library, new mixed-use development, access to adjacent Central Park, and the creation of flexible public gathering spaces. In addition, the plan focuses on opportunities for traffic calming and streetscape enhancements along Route 52 which bisects the heart of downtown.