Crossroads Wind Farm
Farnsworth Group is providing surveying, transportation engineering, site design, and permitting services for the 60 MW Crossroads Wind Project consisting of 24 turbines and 4 miles of external transmission lines.
Design services will include 7 miles of County and Township Roadway improvements.
Transportation and site services for the Crossroads Wind Project includes:
- Base map development
- Assisted with road use agreement development
- Transportation plan development
- County and township highway evaluations (including drainage)
- Pre-construction public roadway condition survey
- Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) report
- State highway, county highway, and township roadway permit applications
- Railroad permit applications
- Coordination with railroad related to crossing improvements
- Utility relocation coordination
- Coordination meetings with road authorities
- Project meetings
- County highway and township roadway intersection improvement plans
- Township roadway improvement plans - strengthening and widening including drainage
- Private access road design including drainage
- Turbine site designs
- Lay down yard design and grading plans
- 2D hydraulic site analysis
- Site, private and public roadway bill of quantities
- Site, private and public roadway technical specifications
- Spill prevention, control and countermeasures plan (SPCC)
- Limited construction administration and support