Proactive Approach to Energy Demand Savings
In support of Xcel Energy, our team offered a re-commissioning investigation/verification report to Kroenke Sports Enterprises. Several identified measures outlined in our report were implemented. The report quantified energy and demand savings associated with Farnsworth Group’s recommended measures.
Several of the implemented measures were capital measures rather than the typical “low-cost/no-cost” measures that the Excel Energy re-commissioning program suggested. These capital measures, however, all had payback of less than four years. Kroenke Sports’ commitment to save energy and demand savings, as well as Xcel Energy’s flexibility, supported the implementation of the capital measures. As a result of the re-commissioning effort, five demand-saving opportunities were identified.
Our team:
- Verified system design/functional intent.
- Identified multiple measures to achieve different energy results.
- Completed a public, high-profile project where comfort and temperature issues were paramount to operations.