Bold Vision Transforms Historic Corridor
Farnsworth Group completed the 9th Street / Peoria Road Master Corridor Plan for the Springfield-Sangamon County Regional Planning Commission (SSCRPC). The vital corridor, which includes a stretch of historic Route 66, provides an important north-south connection and spans nearly four miles, moving along key areas including the State Fairgrounds, a residential and medical, and downtown Springfield.
Farnsworth Group planned for a bold vision to transform the corridor into a destination for Springfield residents and the tourism base. The plan emphasizes pedestrian-first features, a strong mix of uses, inviting and accessible open spaces, and diverse housing alternatives. The easy-to-digest plan, which can ultimately be utilized for developer recruitment, funding requests, budget and marketing purposes, and community outreach, acts as a coordinating road map between the various authorities that have jurisdiction throughout the area.
Our methods of tried-and-true traditional neighborhood planning principles combined with a visualization-based approach that utilizes 3D modeling were strongly embraced by SSCRPC and all the key stakeholders that participated in the planning process.