Ed Barry has traveled the world.
But he always returns to central Illinois where he is entrenched in his communities and the long-standing client relationships he has developed over the years. Ed's 42-year career as an architect and design professional has included the planning, design, and execution of a diverse variety of building projects throughout the state of Illinois, and further afield. He has worked for both public and private sector clients in the areas of higher education, K-12 education, civic and governmental facilities, commercial and corporate centers, the not-for-profit sector, and healthcare.
As a Farnsworth Group Principal, Ed manages a wide variety of planning, architectural, engineering, and commissioning projects for several of the firm's long-standing clients. He passionately focuses on developing strong and enduring partnerships with these respected clients. When not working with them on new building projects, Ed can be found giving back to these same clients, as well as to the communities where they are located.